Talking to myself in public

Somewhere to share

For a while now I've thought about making a website. I spent something like 13 years checking Twitter every day until a couple years ago and when I stopped and I realized how much time I was wasting. The only social media I was checking after I quit Twitter cold turkey was Cohost but they announced they were shutting down. Cohost never seemed like it would last a long time but I enjoyed my time there even if I never really posted. I signed up for Bluesky recently to see it and it brought back bad memories of endlessly scrolling on Twitter, I think I'm over that kind of site.

I've got this bad habit of spending way too much time researching all my different options when I set out to do anything. After spending many hours comparing different static site generators and web hosts, maybe even hosting it on a home server, I've decided to settle here. I guess I don't really 'own' this since someone else is hosting it but it's close enough. This still feels different than posting on social media even if it could sort of be considered that depending on how you look at it. Plus RSS is better than literally every single official social media app.

I don't expect many people, if anyone, to ever see this and that's okay. If someone does see this I hope you have a good day. Maybe I'll set up a guestbook or something eventually.
