Talking to myself in public

Picross 3D

A few weeks ago I bought a DSi XL off ebay. I haven't had my launch DS for a while now and as cool as emulation is it isn't the same. Anything that makes heavy use of the touch is easier with a stylus. I'm not normally a "real hardware" kind of guy but every other method of playing DS games feels compromised in some way.

Every day for the past few weeks after work I'll put on a Youtube video that I can half pay attention to and play a few puzzles in Picross 3D. I'm on the 'hard' level puzzles so I think I'm getting near the end. Most of the increased difficulty seems to come from having less time to complete the puzzle with a perfect three stars. The hardest part of the game comes from the limitations of playing it on a DS though. The low resolution means I keep misreading the numbers and mixing up the circles and squares. The shapes tell the player the number of gaps between the numbers so mixing those up means you will mess up the puzzle. The small size of the squares also leads to me miss-tapping sometimes even while playing on an XL. This is an area where the emulator would help but I don't find the mouse as easy to use.

I keep playing it so I must be enjoying myself but the feeling I get after I finish a puzzle is more relief than accomplishment. If I didn't care so much about the timer and strikes I would probably have more fun but I have this bad habit when I play all games that I feel like I have to %100 them. I would find this game a lot more relaxing without the timer but it's my fault for caring so much, you can make progress without worrying about it, my gut just keeps telling me I need a perfect score.

#Nintendo DS #Picross 3D #games